The Secret Method for Finding Your Competitors’ Backend Search Terms

Steal the competitive advantage of powerhouse Amazon sellers.
100% free.

This technique is copy-and-paste simple.
Spy on your competition like never before. 🕵️
Find every keyword they're targeting in their listings, with the click of a button.

Get instant access to:

🗸 Exactly which keywords all of your competitors are targeting in their backend.

🗸 The content of any ASIN’s description, even if it’s hidden by A+ Content.

🗸 The weaknesses in your competitor’s keyword strategy. You can exact match keywords they AREN’T targeting to get a ranking advantage.

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    Who am I?

    I'm Jake. I first hit 7 figures on Amazon in 2016 in the supplements niche. Since then, I've been creating and scaling Amazon-native brands to the multi-million dollar level. I also run an agency helping other people do the same.